Kannitha Ly
The project explores the connection between the self, the immediate environment and time. It interrogates how we experience and interpret spaces, paying attention to the secondary details, the unobvious, the space in between and the unseen. It highlights and creates a narrative of what is present, what we encounter, our momentary path and existence. It utilises visual, auditory, and intuitive senses to engage with our surrounds and counters the contemporary digital means of viewing, of interpretation and perception of reality.
Artist in Residence
(Gold Coast,Australia) will be presenting her residency at "Caju"
Artist in Residence Caju 2024 Vol 2:17, June~15,July
Kannitha Ly
:トライアル II
公開期間:11/25(土)〜12/3(日) 10:00から19:00まで見学可能
ただし、初日11/25(土) 12:00から開館 11/28(火)午前中閉館、最終日12/3(日)16:00頃から搬出開始
展示場所:「果樹」倉敷市玉島服部3775-3倉敷市内の弥高山(彫刻家、 濱坂渉のアトリエ)終了しました
Naoki Ishihara
:トライアル III
Exhibition exercise:trial III Caju 2023 Vol 3. 9,Nov~17Nov
公開期間:11/9(土)〜11/17(日) 10:00から19:00まで見学可能
ただし、初日11/9(土) 12:00から開館 、最終日11/17(日)16:00頃から搬出開始
展示場所:「果樹」倉敷市玉島服部3775-3倉敷市内の弥高山(彫刻家、 濱坂渉のアトリエ)
Caju :Open Studio & Artist in Residence: 3775-3 Tamashima Hattori Kurashiki city Okayama pref 〒713-8111 JAPAN
phone: +81 86-526-5781 mobile: +81 90-7124-2081 e-mail: wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp
Kannitha Ly
The project explores the connection between the self, the immediate environment and time. It interrogates how we experience and interpret spaces, paying attention to the secondary details, the unobvious, the space in between and the unseen. It highlights and creates a narrative of what is present, what we encounter, our momentary path and existence. It utilises visual, auditory, and intuitive senses to engage with our surrounds and counters the contemporary digital means of viewing, of interpretation and perception of reality.
Artist in Residence
(Gold Coast,Australia) will be presenting her residency at "Caju"
“Open Studio” and “Painting Experience”
Venue and date and time:
Studio"Caju" July 9th (Tuesday) - July 14th (Sunday) 10:00-18:00
``Open Atelier'' displays works in progress and encourages dialogue with the artist. ``Painting Experience'' is a corner where you can experience hands-on skills, and participating will help you understand the artist's intentions. If you would like to participate, please let us know using the contact information below.
:3775-3 Tamashima Hattori, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture The summit of Mt. Yataka in Kurashiki City
(sculptor Wataru Hamasaka's studio)e-mail:wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp, mobile :090-7124-2081(Wataru ,HAMASAKA)
Exhibition venue and date and time:
Guesthouse "Cajuan" July 16th (Tuesday) - July 21st (Sunday)10:00-18:00
However, the opening hours will be from 13:00 on the first day, and the gallery will be closed on July 18th (Thursday).It will be exhibited in an old private house built in the early Showa era with a Tokonoma and Shoin.Shoin.A temporary parking lot will be set up near the venue. If you are coming by car, please refer to the map and contact us by email at least one day in advance, or by phone at the number below on the day of the event. (2 cars can be parked)
:2006 Tamashima Nagao, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture(Guest house of sculptor Wataru Hamasaka) e-mail: wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp, mobile: 090-7124-2081 (Hamasaka)
Artist in Residence Caju 2024 Vol 2:17, June~15,July
Caju :Open Studio & Artist in Residence: 3775-3 Tamashima Hattori Kurashiki city Okayama pref 〒713-8111 JAPAN
phone: +81 86-526-5781 mobile: +81 90-7124-2081 e-mail: wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp
このプロジェクトでは、自己、身近な環境、時間の間のつながりを探求します。 それは、二次的な詳細、目に見えないもの、その間の空間、目に見えないものに注意を払いながら、私たちが空間をどのように経験し、解釈するかを問いかけます。 それは、現在あるもの、私たちが遭遇するもの、私たちの瞬間的な道と存在の物語を強調し、作成します。 それは視覚、聴覚、直観的な感覚を利用して周囲の環境と関わり、現実を観察し、解釈し、認識する現代のデジタル手段に対抗します。
会場 と 日時 アトリエ:”Caju"「果樹」 7月9日(火)〜14日(日)10:00~18:00
岡山県倉敷市玉島服部3775-3 倉敷市内の弥高山山頂(彫刻家、濱坂渉のアトリエ) e-mail:wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp, mobile :090-7124-2081(濱坂)
展覧会場と日時: ゲストハウス「果樹庵」7月16日(火)〜7月21日(日)10:00~18:00
ただし初日は13:00~ 7月18日(木)は休廊、昭和初期に建築された床間と書院のある古民家に展示します。会場付近に臨時駐車場を設けます。お車で来られる方は、地図を参照の上、e-mailは前日まで、電話は当日下記まで連絡をしてください。(2台駐車可能)
岡山県倉敷市玉島長尾2006 (彫刻家、濱坂渉のゲストハウス) e-mail:wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp, mobile :090-7124-2081(濱坂)
Artist in Residence Caju 2024 Vol 2:17, June~15,July
Kannitha Ly
Caju :Open Studio & Artist in Residence: 3775-3 Tamashima Hattori Kurashiki city Okayama pref 〒713-8111 JAPAN
phone: +81 86-526-5781 mobile: +81 90-7124-2081 e-mail: wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp
Graham Bennett
on our part of
the world (Japan, New Zealand
and Pacific Ocean) and the global
environmental and political precipice on
which we find ourselves My ideas centre around
fabricating components for an installation using Awagami paper and bamboo
CONCEPT "Fracture"
Artist in Residence Caju 2024 Vol 1:7, April~13,May
Artist in Residence
(Christchurch,NewZealand) will be presenting his residency at "Caju"
Open to the public: "Cajuan" Sunday 14 ,21and 28 April 2006 Nagao Tamashima Kurashiki City,
Meet at the bus stop square at the south exit of New Kurashiki Station at 2pm on each open day: however, reservations are required by 11am on the day by email e.t.c. On the day, a representative of 'Caju' or a proxy will guide you from the meeting point to the guesthouse 'Caju-an'.
e-mail:wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp, mobile :090-7124-2081
Exhibition venue: " Yakage Honjin "Monday 29 April - Sunday 5 May 9:00~17:00
On Monday, the first day of the exhibition will be open to the public from 13:00..*Entry to the museum until 30 minutes before closing. Closed: Tuesday 30 (substitute for Monday 29, which is a national holiday and the museum will be open on Monday 29). 3079, Yakage, Yakage-cho, Oda-gun, Okayama
e-mail:museum@town.yakage.lg.jp phone: 0866-82-2110 (Yakage Museum of Art )
" Caju "Tuesday 7 May - Sunday 13 May 10:00~18:00
3775-3 Hattori Tamashima, Kurashiki City, Kurashiki City, Mt. Yataka (sculptor Wataru Hamasaka'sstudio)
e-mail:wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp, mobile :090-7124-2081
How should we live in a fractured world?
What connects and divides us?
For decades Christchurch-based sculptor Graham Bennett has explored the ways in which humankind uses and quantifies the natural environment and the impact this has on the living
world. Bennett uses the physical and abstract languages of navigation and measurement longitude or latitude, surveying marks, scales, triangulation - all find their place in his sculptures.
Bennett extends these scientific and visual metaphors with commentary about our rushing headlong towards an environmental and social precipice.
Fracture shows the world hanging in the balance with a community of pinned and precarious worlds standing apart - or are they standing together? Combining form, space and materiality with intricacy and detail, this work embodies layers of meaning to decode and suggests solutions are not simple.
The focus is on the Polar regions as climate indicators and our part of the world, the Pacific Ocean, which is sandwiched between the land masses of North America and China that
together contribute 44% of the global CO2 emissions.
This human-scaled grouping of worlds fractured and pinned stand as a silent cry. ‘How should we live? Where lies hope?’
We are rushing headlong towards an environmental and social precipice.
How should we live in a fractured world?
What connects and divides us?
Fracture shows the world hanging in the balance with a community of pinned and precarious worlds standing apart - or are they standing together? Combining form, space and materiality with intricacy and detail, this work embodies layers of meaning to decode and suggests ‘solutions are not simple’
Caju :Open Studio & Artist in Residence: 3775-3 Tamashima Hattori Kurashiki city Okayama pref 〒713-8111 JAPAN
phone: +81 86-526-5781 mobile: +81 90-7124-2081 e-mail: wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp
Graham Bennett
コンセプト "フラクチュア"
Artist in Residence Caju 2024 Vol 1:7, April~13,May
公開制作とトーク: 「果樹庵」 4月14日、21日および28日の日曜日 岡山県倉敷市玉島長尾2006
各日午後2時に新倉敷駅南口バス停広場に集合: ただし、当日午前11時までにメールあるいは電話で要予約。当日は、集合場所からゲストハウス「Caju庵」まで「Caju」代表.または代理人がご案内します。e-mail:wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp, mobile :090-7124-2081(濱坂)
展覧会場と日時: 「矢掛本陣」4月29日(月)〜5月5日 (日)9:00~17:00岡山県小田郡矢掛町矢掛3079
展覧会初日の月曜日は13:00より一般公開。*入館は閉館の30分前まで。 休館日 30日(火)は29日(月・祝)の振替休館。
e-mail: museum@town.yakage.lg.jp phone:0866-82-2110
「果樹」5月7日(火)〜5月13日(日)10:00~18:00 岡山県倉敷市玉島服部3775-3 倉敷市内の弥高山山頂付近(彫刻家、濱坂渉のアトリエ) e-mail:wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp, mobile :090-7124-2081(濱坂)
ここで紹介するのは、ニュージーランド、クライストチャーチの彫刻家であるグラハム・ベンネットである。人類が浪費してきた自然環境とそれ故の生態系への影響について、半生にわたり洞察し続けてきた作家だ。物質的または抽象的な言語、航海学用語とその基準 ⎯ 経度及び緯度、測量法、計量器、三角測量術などを、科学的且つ視覚的な比喩として用い、 環境的かつ社会的に追い詰められ崖っぷちへ向けて盲進するこの世界で、彼の仕事は鋭い示唆を挟み混んだ来きた。
そんな太平洋諸国が、人々の背丈の寸法で測れる民族の集まりとして、ひび割れ串刺しにされていることは、声無き叫びを聞く思いである。「今、我々はどうやって生きていけば良いのか? 何処に望みを見出せば良いのか?」と、彼は問う。
Caju :Open Studio & Artist in Residence: 3775-3 Tamashima Hattori Kurashiki city Okayama pref 〒713-8111 JAPAN
phone: +81 86-526-5781 mobile: +81 90-7124-2081 e-mail: wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp
Exhibition exercise:trial II Caju 2023 Vol 4. 25, Nov~3,Dec
Naoki Ishihara
公開期間:11/25(土)〜12/3(日) 10:00から19:00まで見学可能
ただし、初日11/25(土) 12:00から開館 11/28(火)午前中閉館、最終日12/3(日)16:00頃から搬出開始
展示場所:「果樹」倉敷市玉島服部3775-3倉敷市内の弥高山(彫刻家、 濱坂渉のアトリエ)終了しました
:トライアル II
Caju :Open Studio & Artist in Residence: 3775-3 Tamashima Hattori Kurashiki city Okayama pref 〒713-8111 JAPAN
phone: +81 86-526-5781 mobile: +81 90-7124-2081 e-mail: wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp
Artist in Residence Caju 2023 Vol 3. 5, July~27,Aug
IIsabela Lleo
Isabela Lleo
1. 私は、クリスタル大理石や万地花歯岩を使った石影の仕事をする予定です。特に濱坂渉の作品は、反響や残響、宇宙的な研究に対する彼のイン
2. また、倉敷の建築物や自然を題材にしたドローイングを和紙で制作する可能性も考えており、FIG BILBAO 23やスペインの他の場所で展示する 予定の旅行記を制作するつもりです。
3. 8月に展覧会を開きたいと思います。そのためには、今年制作した「幾何学による現実の構造」をテーマにしたペーパーワークのコレクションを 持参し、今年の最後の作品と日本のスタジオを組み合わせることができます。
展示場所:「果樹庵」8/19(土)~21(月) 倉敷市玉島長尾2006(彫刻家、 濱坂渉のゲストハウス)
駐車場が不足しておりますので来られる前に必ず連絡してください 090 7124 2081 email wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp
「果樹」 8/22(火)~27(日)倉敷市玉島服部3775-3倉敷市内の弥高山( 濱坂渉のアトリエ)
Artist in Residence Caju 2023 Vol 3. 5, July~27,Aug
Artist in Residens
Isabela Lleo
(Madrid, Spain) will be presenting her residency at "Caju"
1.I will be working in stone with the cristal marble or mannnari granite. specially the work of Wataru Hamasaka impressed me because of his inspiration about echo, reverberation and cosmic research. And I will help him with his sculptures as an assistant during a certain period of time
I also consider the possibility to work in Japanese paper doing drawings from the surroundings, specially from Kurashiki architecture and nature.I'm going to do a travel book which I intend to exhibit in FIG Bilbao 23 and other places in Spain
If possible I would love to make an exhibition in august. For that purpose I could bring a collection from paperworks I was doing this year, They are all about "The structure of reality through geometry" and combine this last works from this year with the studios from Japanese views
Open to the public: from 7/19 (Wed) to 7/24 (Mon) and from 8/19 (Sat) to 8/27 (San),
from 10:00 to 19:00
However, during July, the museum is closed on Saturdays and Sundays due to the need for rest and recreation during the work period.
During August is the exhibition period.The person herself and the representative will be absent from 11:30 to 17:00 on 8/27 (Sun)
Place of exhibition: "Cajuan"8/19 (Sat)~21(mon)2006 Nagao Tamashima Kurashiki City,
(sculptor Wataru Hamasaka's Gesthouse)
Parking is scarce, so please be sure to call before coming 090 7124 2981 e-mail wataruh@orion.ocn.ne.jp
"Caju "8/22(tue)~27(sun)3775-3 Hattori Tamashima, Kurashiki City,
Kurashiki City, Mt. Yataka (sculptor Wataru Hamasaka'sstudio The event has ended.
Caju :Open Studio & Artist in Residence: 3775-3 Tamashima Hattori Kurashiki city Okayama pref 〒713-8111 JAPAN
phone: +81 86-526-5781 mobile: +81 90-7124-2081 e-mail: wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp
Artist in Residence Caju 2023 Vol 3. 5, July~ 27,Aug
Artist in Residens
Isabela Lleo
(Madrid, Spain) will be presenting her residency at "Caju"
1.I will be working in stone with the cristal marble or mannnari granite. specially the work of Wataru Hamasaka impressed me because of his inspiration about echo, reverberation and cosmic research. And I will help him with his sculptures as an assistant during a certain period of time
I also consider the possibility to work in Japanese paper doing drawings from the surroundings, specially from Kurashiki architecture and nature.I'm going to do a travel book which I intend to exhibit in FIG Bilbao 23 and other places in Spain
If possible I would love to make an exhibition in august. For that purpose I could bring a collection from paperworks I was doing this year, They are all about "The structure of reality through geometry" and combine this last works from this year with the studios from Japanese views
Open to the public: from 7/19 (Wed) to 7/24 (Mon) and from 8/19 (Sat) to 8/27 (San),
from 10:00 to 19:00
However, during July, the museum is closed on Saturdays and Sundays due to the need for rest and recreation during the work period.
During August is the exhibition period.The person herself and the representative will be absent from 11:30 to 17:00 on 8/27 (Sun)
Place of exhibition: "Cajuan"8/19 (Sat)~21(mon)2006 Nagao Tamashima Kurashiki City,
(sculptor Wataru Hamasaka's Gesthouse)
Parking is scarce, so please be sure to call before coming 090 7124 2981 e-mail wataruh@orion.ocn.ne.jp
"Caju "8/22(tue)~27(sun)3775-3 Hattori Tamashima, Kurashiki City,
Kurashiki City, Mt. Yataka (sculptor Wataru Hamasaka'sstudio The event has ended.
Caju :Open Studio & Artist in Residence: 3775-3 Tamashima Hattori Kurashiki city Okayama pref 〒713-8111 JAPAN
phone: +81 86-526-5781 mobile: +81 90-7124-2081 e-mail: wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp
Open Studio Caju 2023 Vol 2.15July~30 July
Lee Yunkyung
鞆の浦de ART2023 出品作「通る道」の制作
近年、舟をモチーフにした作品を発表し続けており、今年9月福山市で開催される覇の浦de ART2023に出品する作品も銀箔糸を織り込んだ舟形を取り入れた作品を模索しております。実際に鞆の浦で漁業に使われた古い漁網を用いた新作「通る道」は縦10メートル程を想定しておりまして、広々したアトリエcajuで公開制作を行います。
公開期間:7/15(土)~7/30(月)の制作期間うち、公開制作及び展示(以下の日程に作家は滞在) 23(日),24(月),25(火),29(土),30(日)13:00から17:00まで見学可能,但し最終日30日は10:00~13:00まで
展示場所:「果樹」倉敷市玉島服部3775-3倉敷市内の弥高山(彫刻家、 濱坂渉のアトリエ)終了しました。
Caju :Open Studio & Artist in Residence: 3775-3 Tamashima Hattori Kurashiki city Okayama pref 〒713-8111 JAPAN
phone: +81 86-526-5781 mobile: +81 90-7124-2081 e-mail: wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp
Exhibition exercise:trial Caju 2023 Vol 1.24Jun~
Naoki Ishihara
公開期間:6/24(土)〜6/29(木) 10:00から19:00まで見学可能
ただし6/25(日) 全日閉館 6/27(火)午前中閉館、最終日6/29(木)18:30ごろから搬出開始
展示場所:「果樹」倉敷市玉島服部3775-3倉敷市内の弥高山(彫刻家、 濱坂渉のアトリエ)
Caju :Open Studio & Artist in Residence: 3775-3 Tamashima Hattori Kurashiki city Okayama pref 〒713-8111 JAPAN
phone: +81 86-526-5781 mobile: +81 90-7124-2081 e-mail: wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp
Hideyuki Igarashi
Artist in Residence Caju 2022 Vol 2.1 April~Jun
Artist in Residence Caju 2022 Vol 2.1 April~Jun
Hideyuki Igarashi
Gesut House「果樹庵」にて公開
Caju :Open Studio & Artist in Residence: 3775-3 Tamashima Hattori Kurashiki city Okayama pref 〒713-8111 JAPAN
phone: +81 86-526-5781 mobile: +81 90-7124-2081 e-mail: wataru-h@orion.ocn.ne.jp
Open Studio Caju Vol1. 15,Nov2021~15,Mar,2022